Under $10: Motivation Opt-In Report Bundle (PLR)

Get and Stay Motivated

Yesterday, I told you about Alice Seba’s “Get & Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Goals” bundle.

If you’re looking to get more people to sign up to your email list, having a great free report to give away can really help. This is a report that people would like to get, as who doesn’t want to be motivated and get more done?

This is a lead magnet package, which means you’ll get:

  • The Get & Stay Motivated Report
  • The Get Motivated 365-Day Planner
  • A Lead Generating Opt-in Page
  • 2 Professionally Designed eCover Graphic Sets
  • 20 Inspirational Social Media Graphics

It’s crazy that it’s not even going to cost you $10 to get this.

You might be wondering what you can do with this. It doesn’t just have to be used as an opt in. Here are a few ideas for using the content:

  • Of course, you can use the planner and report as a free opt-in, in order to grow your list. Just put it up and attach it to your email list, and you’ll start getting subscribers.
  • Have a membership site? This would make a great addition to it.
  • Use the report (or the planner) as a bonus. Whether you’re trying to sell your own product or an affiliate product, this is a great bonus, and will motivate more people to make the purchase.
  • Use this to create a bigger product to sell. If you use the report, the planner, and add more content to it, you can create a larger product and sell it.
  • Do you coach? If so, use this content as an extra for your clients. It will help them take action and stay on track to accomplish their goals.

You can do anything else with it that you’d like though. Hopefully these will give you even more ideas of what you can do with the content.

Again, this won’t be this cheap for long. So make sure you get it now!

Get the “Get and Stay Motivated” PLR Bundle Now!

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