They’ll be Thrilled to Give you Their Email Addresses!

Russell Brunson - Lead Funnels

I love learning from Internet Marketers that have been around for years. They really know what they’re doing, and want to help others get to where they are.

Russell Brunson is one of these people. I’ve been buying products from him for years, and he knows what he’s talking about.

Right now he’s offering a swipe file that you can use in multiple niches so that you can make more money.

What’s a swipe file? Basically, it’s emails and actual funnels that have worked for Russell and his friends. You can see EXACTLY what they did to earn money, and then do it yourself.

I think that’s awesome. This works either for your own product, or as an affiliate. You can see what works, and model your own emails and funnels after them. No more guessing what will work and what won’t.

Now, you may wonder, Why would you want to do this?

Here are just a few reasons…

  • You’ll create landing pages that work.
  • You can get cold traffic to buy from you.
  • You’ll be able to get your prospects email so you can sell to them over and over.
  • You’ll boost conversions.
  • …and more!

I can’t believe he’s only charging $7. If you don’t have a funnel, or if you’re looking for a way to promote better as an affiliate, you need to check this out:

Get your Lead Funnel Swipe File here, and stop wondering what you should be doing to get more leads…and start getting them!

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