Done For You: Content to Start Your Own Monthly Membership Site!

Teach Your Tribe Special Offer

Do you know what the best thing is about having a monthly membership site?

You only need to worry about getting the customer once, and they keep paying you over and over again.

If you just have regular products, each month you start at 0 again, and need to find new customers.

So if you have a monthly membership site, you know that every month those same people will be paying you over and over again.

The biggest problem most people have with starting a membership site though is the content.

It can take a lot of time to come up with a good deal of high quality content, month after month after month.

That’s where CoachGlue comes in.

They want to help you by giving you all of the content you need, every single month, so you can have a monthly membership site without putting in all of the hard work creating the content.

You can just use it however you’d like, and you’re set.

I know firsthand the quality is very good, because I personally subscribe to one of their programs, and get multiple products of theirs each month.

Now…they usually charge a certain amount per month…but through Thursday you can pay one fee for the entire year!

This kind of deal doesn’t happen often, and you’ll be surprised at how reasonable it is.

You’ll be able to make your money back in just a few sales!

And then you’ll be able to have new content each month that you can use to give to your customers while you sit back and collect the money.

Get New Content Each Month to Create Your Membership Site!

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