Jeff Johnson just posted the third video in his absolutely amazing traffic-getting and list building training series to his blog, and it’s all free.
You’ll even get the all-new PDF Cheat Sheet and Checklist that goes along with it.
In this video, he finally reveals his “Circle Of Traffic” strategy for creating traffic on demand, and he walks you through the entire thing, step-by-step so you can apply it to your own business starting today and see
almost immediate results.
It’s highly recommended!
You’ll also learn
- How to turn your traffic into leads, and leads into customers.
- 50 proven ways to optimize your YouTube videos for more free traffic, free leads, and engagement.
- How a crappy little affiliate marketing video that only took about 5 minutes to create converts viewers into leads with a 35.2% optin rate, and made 21 sales in the process.
- A simple little Facebook trick that only takes about 5 minutes to set up, and yet could easily triple your results.
- The email optin page design that increased his conversion rate by 26.68%, and lead to a winner that converts at 61.19% overall, so that you can “borrow” it to build your own list.
Jeff is famous for over-delivering in his free training videos and this one is no exception.
It’s absolutely insane how much valuable content he’s able to pack into such a short presentation.
It’s well worth checking out…and be sure to look below the video for several special surprises.
One is some “Super-Secret Bonus Training” that’s hidden on the page.
Another is a chance to win yourself a shiny new toy that Jeff is giving away just for leaving your comments.
Just be sure to look below the video for complete details:
Watch Jeff’s “Circle of Traffic” Video Now!