Give 2 Gain – Increase Your Social Shares

Give 2 Gain

With over 1.3 billion users, it’s not surprising that there are quite a few potential customers of yours using Facebook.

BUT getting your the message out to them can prove difficult.

You can always pay to advertise with Facebook Ads, but this comes with a HUGE learning curve and it can become very expensive.

The IDEAL scenario would be for your friends to share your content, this has a number of benefits:

  • It’s completely free
  • People we know are the ones who are most interested in what we have to say.
  • All of their friends would then see our update (which is great because often they share similar interests to us, which means they will be interested in our content and likely to share it.)
  • …and then the sharing cycle continues, meaning that your product or offer would effectively go viral!

but this was always easier said than done, until now.

Take a look at this new WordPress plugin called Give 2 Gain, which asks your visitors for a ‘Social Share’ in exchange for access to your offer.

This is deceptively simple, but genius at the same time!

Simply set up your offer, and Give 2 Gain works great with:

  • A Free Report
  • A Webinar Replay
  • Discount Coupons
  • A Free Module To Your Video Training Course
  • A Free Trial To Your Recurring Membership Site
  • A Free PLR Pack

…and instead of suppling the direct link, you ask for a share in exchange, giving you further exposure to your offer.

This makes getting those social shares easier than ever before, by enticing readers with an irresistible offer that they just have to get their hands on, meaning that you can drive huge amounts of FREE traffic from Social Media.

Get Give 2 Gain Now!

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