Internet Marketing Events taking Place this Quarter (Jan-March 2014)

Now that it’s the beginning of the year, you’re probably trying to make your plans for the year…or at least the next quarter.

If you really want to grow your business, going to an Internet Marketing event can really help. You’ll meet a lot of great like minded people, as well as attend sessions that can help take your business to the next level.

So I thought I’d share some of the events that are taking place over the next three months.

Later this month, Ryan Deiss will be holding the 5th annual Traffic and Conversion Summit in San Diego, California.

It’s 3 days full of information, where you will learn things such as how to get dirt cheap traffic, how to turn Facebook’s users into massive buyers on your list, creating better offers, SEO, and so much more.

In fact, Ryan has the entire itinerary on the site, so you can see exactly what types of things you’ll be learning.

I guarantee you will leave there knowing a lot more than when you went in. I’ve been to one of Ryan’s past events, and it
was incredible, and I learned a lot.

I do hold a ticket to this event, I just haven’t figured out yet if I’ll be able to go.

Get Your Ticket to the Traffic and Conversion Summit 2014

In February, David Perdew will be putting on the 11th NAMS event in Atlanta, Georgia. NAMS stands for Novice to Advanced Marketing Systems, and during the 3 day workshop there will be 4 experience based learning tracks so that you’ll learn what you need to get to the next step with your business.

If you’re just starting, there will be instructors there that can help you get your website up, get ideas on how to start, and more. If you’re more advanced, you can learn how to make your income more automated, as well as other ways to grow your income. I’ve been twice, and it’s a great event.

For the price (currently $200 off), you’ll not only get a ticket, but you’ll get the audio recordings and PDFs of the entire workshop weekend. That’s why I have my ticket already even though I am not sure I’ll be able to attend.

Here are just some of the instructors you’ll get to learn from: Joel Comm, Alex Mandossian, Jason Fladlien, Ray Edwards, Nicole Dean, Rachel Rofe, Jack Born, and so many more.

Get Your Ticket to NAMS 11

In March, Yanik Silver will be holding the 10th Annual Underground Online Seminar Event.

If you want to learn from the people out there that are quietly making millions, this is the event you need to attend.

I don’t know how Yanik finds them, but many times you’ve never heard of his speakers, because they’re busy earning instead of talking about what they do.

Since this is the 10th event, Yanik will also be bringing back some of the most popular guests, so that you’ll get to learn from them as well.

Unlike many other events, this is different. It’s not for everyone, and you should read the FAQ to see if you should attend the event yourself.

But put it this way…this is the type of event that Dan Kennedy shows up at as an attendee!

Here are just some of the speakers: AJ Roberts, Clay Collins, Ryan Allis, Matt Clark, Frank McKinney, Jeff Walker, and many more.

Get Your Ticket to Underground 10

If you’re really interested in growing your business, learning more, and meeting other like minded people, I strongly suggest attending at least one event in 2014. Even if these specific events don’t interest you, there should be one out there that does, and you’ll be surprised at how much it can help you.

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