NAMS (Novice to Advanced Marketing Systems) is an event held twice a year in Atlanta. The next one is February 6th – 9th, 2014. I’ve been to 2 NAMS events, and they’re great. I’ve written about these events before, and they just keep getting better.
David Perdew just announced the 6 keynote speakers, and most of them are new to NAMS, so it will be even better than before.
Alex Mandossian, Joel Comm, Jason Fladlien, Ray Edwards, Kathleen Gage, and Ken McArthur will be the keynote speakers…but there are over 30 others who will be teaching sessions as well.
There are 4 different tracks of sessions based on your experience level, so that you can make sure you learn a lot during the weekend.
The price right now is $147, and will be going up substantially on September 1st. So if you can make it, definitely get your ticket now!
I hope to see you there! Even though I’m very quiet and don’t usually like big groups of people, this event is a lot of fun for me, and I really enjoy going.
Get Your Ticket to NAMS 11 Now!