Are you missing NAMS 10 right now like I am?
I went to NAMS 8 and 9, and even though I purchased a ticket for NAMS 10, was unable to attend.
But that doesn’t mean I’m going to miss out on anything that happens this weekend!
I’m looking forward to the NAMS 10 videos. You’ll be able to get the videos for all of the sessions, from NAMS 100 level (beginners) up through NAMS 400 level (expert).
I can’t tell you how much I learned at the past two events, and am sure once I’m able to watch the videos, I’ll learn even more.
Right now, the price is really low. You will get over 70 hours of video for that low price…and you’ll be able to learn all of the great stuff that the people in Atlanta are learning right now!
Don’t miss out: