Power up for Profits – 3 Free Bonuses

Kathleen Gage - Power Up for Profits

It’s likely you’ve heard the rumblings about Kathleen Gage’s newest book, Power Up for Profits: The Smart Woman’s Guide to Online Marketing.

By far, this book is the best of its kind on the topic. Truth be told, there’s never been a book written specifically for women about online marketing.

Power Up for Profits gets right to the heart of the matter and is full of great information including the marketing mindset, how to get the most from your blogging efforts, becoming a media maven, the power and profit of free publicity, social media marketing and so much more.

I can assure you, getting Power Up for Profits IS the smartest thing you can do.

To sweeten the deal Kathleen is offering three amazing (and highly valuable) bonus gifts when you get the book this week (July 22 – 29).

When you purchase your book you receive the How to Make Your First $100 Online report and How to Sell Thousands From Any Platform. To receive these you must follow some important steps.

Not only will you get the two immediately downloadable gifts directly from Kathleen when you get the book, Kathleen has added in a spot to The Truth about Making Money on the Internet teleseminar.

Only those who get the book during this special campaign will get a spot into the teleseminar as well.

Make sure you go right away to reserve your spot, get the book and the super gifts.

Get Power up for Profits Now!

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