Did you know that for every 100 traditional books sold on Amazon, 114 Kindle books are sold?
There’s no denying that Kindle is a GOLDMINE for marketers.
But there’s a reason why most people can’t make a dime on Kindle, despite millions of hungry customers and practically no technical barriers.
It’s because most people create the wrong Kindle books, with the wrong titles, covers and content.
Then to make things worse, they totally screw up their launch; failing to get reviews and watching the traffic and sales go to their competitors instead.
There’s a reason why some Kindle authors crush it when others can’t get off the ground.
The success stories on Kindle know something YOU don’t when it comes to creating books that fly off the
digital shelves.
They know, before they even thing about creating a book, that it will SELL like cold water on a hot day.
Wouldn’t YOU like to know how it’s done?
What if you could have X-RAY vision… and see exactly where the money is on Kindle, so you never had to waste time, money and energy going in the wrong direction?
Now you can.
The game has changed. This is truly leveling the playing field for Kindle marketers who can’t seem to hit the mother load. It’s not just a way to KNOW what will crush it on Kindle… it’s a complete Kindle
domination tool, as you’ll quickly see for yourself.
I haven’t seen anything like this before.
It’s almost unfair on those who don’t know about it.
Take advantage, before it’s too late…