Do You Have Easy Video Player Yet?

Video marketing has been evolving. Before, it was becoming to complicated, and too time consuming.

Think about it. You had to worry about:

  • Redoing videos over and over again to make sure you got everything right in one take, or face the daunting task of loading your raw video into Camtasia or another editor to make everything perfect.
  • Making sure your videos were optimized for the web so that they looked good, and didn’t take too long to start playing.
  • Having different mobile versions of your videos to show users of iPhone, iPad, Android, and other mobile devices….
  • Basically using duct-tape to try to put all the pieces together with Camtasia, Screenflow, Jing, Handbrake or something like that while trying to find the perfect solution to make it all easier and less time consuming.
  • Uploading large files to your own server, YouTube, Amazon S3, or other video hosting service.
  • Getting the proper code in place to be able to display your videos with the hope that mobile devices would be able to see the mobile version of your video.

Well, someone has finally done something about it!

Josh Bartlett, the creator of the industry’s leading video player called Easy Video Player, has truly done something innovated in video marketing.

His Easy Video Player software had game changing features 2 years ago that other video marketing solutions have just recently tried to introduce.

On top of that, Josh could boast about the following:

  • Tens of thousands of satisfied users.
  • The lowest refund rate in the industry for Clickbank (Only 2%).
  • More top marketers and 6 to 7 figure launches use Easy Video Player than anything else.

Rather than throw in a few new cool features and relaunch his product simply to make more money….he listened to his customers and did something else.

He took over 2 years and hundreds of thousands of his own dollars to create something that will change the way you market your business with videos.

You’ll now be able to record, edit, publish, market, and track all your videos with one, easy to use solution.

You’re going to want to check this out…because you can now do the following:

  • Drag and drop your video into a desktop application that will optimize and convert your video for the web, let you edit if needed, upload it and give you the code to copy and paste it to your website.
  • Record your screen or face camera from within this application and even draw on the screen.
  • Never worry about whether users on a mobile device can see your videos…it creates and displays a mobile version of your videos for you.
  • Split test your videos to see which ones are shared the most, have the most engagement, and which versions make the most money.

That’s just scratching the surface!

What all this means for you, is that marketing your business with videos is going to be much, much easier…and you’ll make more money while having more time to do what you love.

You have to check it out!

Get Easy Video Suite Now!

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