I posted about this just a few days ago…but as the free seminar is going on this afternoon, I just wanted to remind you (or let you know if you haven’t heard about it yet.)
I think it’s going to be really helpful if 2012 wasn’t quite the year you had hoped it would be.
Here’s the question…will 2013 be the year when you finally move forward with your online business?
The year you achieve the kind of success you deserve and secure the income and lifestyle that goes with it?
Or will 2013 be just another 12 months that fly by without moving you one step closer to your goals?
I really hope it’s the later.
To that end, this afternoon Tom Beal (the president of Strategic Profits) is putting on a free teleseminar). It’s called “Moving From Where You Are Now To Where You Want To Be In 2013” and is happening at 3pm EST.
If you know Rich Schefren’s company, Strategic Profits, you know that they have a reputation for excellence in everything they do.
And Tom’s teleseminar promises to be no different. I urge you to clear your schedule and join in.
This is a one time only teleseminar.
Tom will walk you through how to discover your strengths, and use them to your advantage in 2013.
He’ll show you how to stop chasing “shiny objects” in the marketplace, and start building a real sustainable business.
In short…move from where you are now to where you want to be in 2013.
Grab your spot now.
Also, you can submit questions to Tom to answer during this teleseminar. Click below to post a question.
Sign Up for the Free Teleseminar Now!