Work at Home Guide with PLR Rights (from Jimmy D. Brown)

If you’re looking to start your own online business and want to have your own product to sell, but don’t have the time to write it yourself…that’s when you go looking for good quality PLR.

The problem is that you don’t necessarily know that you’re getting good quality PLR when you buy it. That is, unless you know who it’s coming from…

So when someone like Jimmy D. Brown offers PLR rights to something, you know that you can, and should jump on it…because it’s guaranteed to be of good quality.

Not that long ago, Jimmy created 6 incredible guides to help someone learn to make money from home. I’m sure you realize that this is a big market, since there are many people out there trying to learn how to make money from home.

These are the 6 guides that Jimmy has created, and has been selling for $30.00 each:

  1. The 31 Day Guide to Selling Photos Online
  2. The 31 Day Guide to Making Money on eBay
  3. The 31 Day Guide to Making Money as a Blogger
  4. The 31 Day Guide to Making Money as a Freelance W.R.I.T.E.R
  5. The 31 Day Guide to Profiting as an Affiliate
  6. The 31 Day Guide to Making Money Writing Small Reports

Don’t they sound like something that someone who is interested in making money online would want to get? Don’t you wish you could sell something like this online?

Well, now you can…because Jimmy is offering PLR (Private Label Rights) to all 6 guides. You can sell them for $30.00 each, just like he does, or $97 – $147 for a set.

Not only will you get the 6 guides to be able to sell…but he’ll even make it easy on you, and give you salesletters (for both options) as well so that you can get started selling them immediately. You’ll even get a huge marketing package of pre-sell content and ads to go with it!

So if you’ve been trying to make money online, and wanted to sell your own product – but didn’t have anything to sell…you can now have >6< quality products to sell in the "work at home" niche, and get started right away!

Get Your License to sell the 31-Day Work from Home Guides Now!

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