Do you ever wish you had an incredible product to sell, but just haven’t had the time (or the interest) in creating one yourself? You’d love to be able to make money on the internet, but can’t spend the weeks or months it would take you to write up an ebook, or anything else you can sell?
If this is the case, Jimmy D. Brown has an incredible offer for you. He’s a well known Internet Marketer, and all of his products are top notch. He either writes the products himself, or co-writes them. He doesn’t just find someone else to do the work and take the credit, because he wants his products to be the best.
Well, he’s now offering a huge, amazing package, and personally I am surprised at the low price. After seeing everything he was offering, I expected to see a price tag of almost a thousand dollars, if not at least $400 – $500. So when I saw how little he was charging, that just made my day.
What will you get with Prime PLR? Well, you’ll get everything you need to start a home based business, and more.
You’ll get:
- 2 FULL LENGTH courses – as well as PLR rights to it. The first is “27 Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Commissions”, and the second is “50 Quick and Easy Ways to Raise Emergency Cash”. In any market these would be highly sought after products, but especially now with the way the economy is – people will be beating down your door for this type of information.
- 2 Unreleased Short Reports – “How to Setup a Website for your EClass” and “How to Write a Sales-Sucking Salesletter for your EClass”. These are great as many people want to have classes online, and can be used in many different niches.
- 20 Brand New Internet Marketing Articles – with PLR rights. We all know how popular Internet Marketing is…so here are 20 incredible articles that you can use in many different ways.
- PLR to Video Tutorials – 5 feature length video tutorials on using CamStudio (a free program similar to Camtasia). Who wouldn’t want to learn how to create web based videos? They are very popular right now.
- PLR to Web, Squeeze and Content Page Sets – 15 high quality never before released templates that come with a sales page template, squeeze page template, and content template each. So even if you don’t know how to create a site yourself, now you won’t have to worry about it.
- 20 Disney Travel Articles with unrestricted PLR rights – We all know how popular Disney is, and these articles look incredible.
Once you buy this package, there is a lot that you can do with it. As suggested in the sales letter, you can edit the content to make it uniquely yours, or to niche it so that it fits in with whatever you are doing.
You can sell the content. How awesome is it that you would have not just one, but multiple products to sell, right out of the gate? You can combine things together too. Let’s say you use one of the templates to create a site, and then sell one of the full products! Before you know it, you could be making a lot of money…without having to spend a lot of time or money to create your own course. Jimmy also lists a whole bunch of other things you can do with everything you’ll get.
Now you can see why I can’t believe how inexpensive Prime PLR is. It’s really worth a lot, and if you use a little creativity, you can start selling something that is uniquely yours almost right away!
I will mention one thing. Jimmy is only selling 500 copies. Since it’s PLR, he can’t just sell an unlimited amount, or everyone would have it…so if you are interested, you should probably check it out soon. It is great to know that some people are still intent on putting out great quality PLR products so that they can help you make a living online!