Missing NAMS 9? Order the Videos Now!


In a little less than 24 hours, I leave for the airport.

Where am I going? To my second NAMS workshop…NAMS 9.

I went this past August, and was so impressed that I purchased my ticket for NAMS 9 while still at the event!

I really learned a lot from the different sessions I went to…and got a lot of great ideas while I was there.

But since there are often 4 sessions going on at once, you can’t be everywhere and have to miss some of them. That’s why I was so glad I was able to go back and listen to what I missed after the event.

If you won’t be able to make it to NAMS 9, now is the perfect time to pre-order the NAMS 9 videos. You’ll pay the lowest price (only $77) and get the videos as soon as they’re released.

Once the event is over, the price will go up to $197, and I don’t know about you, but I hate paying more than I have to…especially when I know there is a lower price out there somewhere!

So here’s your lower price…you just have to make sure you order before the workshop is over on Sunday evening.

Here are just some of the sessions that I’m looking forward to:

  • Nicole Dean: Passive Income in Hidden Places
  • Karon Thackston: Size Doesn’t Matter: How to Write Profit Pulling PPC Ads, Tweets, and Other Short Copy
  • Paul Evans: Customer Clairvoyance
  • Bob Jerkins: Coaching Income Secrets
  • Mark Hendricks: How to Double or Triple Your Profits by Improving Just a Few Things by Only 15%
  • …and more!

That isn’t even all of the sessions I’m interested in. So as you can guess, this is going to be a VERY busy weekend for me.

I wouldn’t want you to miss out on all of this great learning either. Plus, even if you only get a few great ideas out of the sessions…imagine how it can transform your business!

Pre-Order the NAMS 9 Videos Now!

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