The first DIY that I did with Carrie Wilkerson and Paul Evans was just last month. It was DIY ESCAPE, and without sounding dramatic, it has changed the way I get things done, and plan my day.
So when I saw that Carrie and Paul were putting on SWAT, a way for someone to generate epic content, get more paying clients, and create the perfect offer, I was hooked.
Now 2 of those sessions have gone by – both the Epic Content and Paying Clients. This Saturday will be the third session, Creating the Perfect Offer.
First off, I’d like to say that you don’t need to be there live. Since these are all on Saturdays, and I’m almost always busy on Saturday, I’ve watched them after the fact. Actually, I still have about 20 minutes left of the last session as I write this. But considering it’s over 6 hours of classes so far, I’m glad I’ve pretty much kept up!
Oh, and those 6 hours aren’t even including the Q&A’s that you’ll get to listen to as well.
Why am I telling you about this now, instead of waiting for the third and final session on Saturday?
It’s simple. Until tonight at 10pm Eastern, you can get $100 off the workshop. That will make it $197 instead of $297.
Don’t get me wrong, I still think it’s a great deal for $297…but why pay more for it if you don’t have to?
So, what have I learned over the past 2 weeks?
Let’s start with epic content. I’ve now learned exactly what epic content is, and why I need to create more of it. Sure, you can say “Well obviously you want great content, so people will keep coming back to your website.” And that is true, but there is so much more to it!
I also learned a lot about what mistakes people make when writing. There was a list of 5 top mistakes that mediocre writers make, and I have to say that one of them I completely fall into!
But, now that I know I do, I can make sure that I change and hopefully will see a great outcome because of it.
We also learned how to create content, and how to make sure that people see it. If that wasn’t enough, Paul went into what tools he uses to create his content, and the best part is many of them are free (or inexpensive) proving you don’t need to spend a lot to create a great job.
Moving onto enlisting paying clients…
Carrie gave us a lot of great ways to build our lists. While of course you’ll know a lot of them, I bet you’ll have at least a few “aha!” moments where you’ll want to try something new. Of course you won’t like all of them, but that’s the best part…you can use the methods you like.
Paul did a great session on getting people to opt-in on your website, and even talked about paid traffic. I learned a lot from both sessions.
What I liked about both sessions of the workshop were that they gave a lot of different case studies. It’s great hearing what you should and shouldn’t do…but it really helps to have a lot of examples.
They made it very clear (no matter what type of business you have), what you can do to get more clients (or people on your list), as well as have better content out there.
I am really looking forward to the final session this Saturday, even though I probably won’t watch it until Sunday or Monday.
If you’ve been having issues getting people on your list, or having great content, or creating the perfect offer, I strongly suggest you sign up today before the $100 discount is gone.
There are also a lot of bonuses as well, but I’ll let you check out their website to see them yourself.
After watching the first 2 sessions, I already feel like I got my money back and more, and am really looking forward to putting everything into action.
If you’ve been considering getting the DIY SWAT workshop, I really hope this helped you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below and I’ll answer them if I can.
P.S. You have until 10pm EST to get $100 off the workshop. Don’t miss out!