DIY SWAT – Learn How to Create Epic Content, Create the Perfect Offer, and More

Carrie Wilkerson & Paul Evans - DIY SWAT

Last Friday, I learned a lot from Carrie Wilkerson and Paul Evans when I took their workshop, DIY ESCAPE.

They are both really good at teaching, and are also very entertaining to watch and listen to!

After all I got out of that workshop, I now know that when Carrie and Paul offer a training class, that it will be good quality information that I can use.

So when I heard that they are going to have a workshop with three different sessions, each consisting of three hours of training (and that’s not counting three additional Q&A calls) on something I was very interested in, I was excited.

If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to create epic content, create the perfect offer, or how to get paying clients…I think you’re going to be interested in what they have to offer.

In these 9 hours of training, you’ll learn how to stand out, and get noticed because of it.

In the first session, you’ll learn how to create better content, how to distribute it, and even what to create! In the second session, you’ll learn how to get a bigger list, how to advertise more effectively, and how to convert your offers better. In the final session, you’ll learn how to package the perfect offer, how to price the perfect offer, and how to promote it (and keep doing so!)

This isn’t even including all of the great bonuses they have, and there are a lot.

There is one bonus that is time sensitive though. If you register by 10pm Eastern on Thursday September 27th, you’ll also get Carrie & Paul’s personal SWAT. They will each share with you one piece of epic content, one way to enlist paying customers, and one perfect offer, and why they did so well for them.

It’s great to learn something…but sometimes it can be even more helpful to see a live example of how someone put it into action, and that’s what this bonus will do for you.

As far as price, right now you can get $100 off if you use code DIYSWAT. While even at full price I think it is a good buy, the $100 off makes it even better!

Register for DIY SWAT!


P.S. I know that I sound really excited…but that’s because this is very timely for me. I am trying to learn to create more epic content, and am trying to come up with the perfect offer. So this was available at just the right time! If you want to create epic content and create your own perfect offer, make sure you register for DIY SWAT.

Even if you won’t be on the live sessions (I know I won’t be able to since they’re all on Saturdays), you’ll be able to watch the replay whenever you want!

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