I hope you’re doing well and are ready to get past some hurdles that may be preventing you from a major stream of monthly income.
Let me quickly map out where we’re going today and then we’ll dive in.
First, I want to give you a quick one-question “pop quiz”.
Then, we’re going to identify five “instant fixes” that will enable you to start getting automatic rebills coming in.
Finally, we’ll look at a resource which can put you on the fast track to residual income.
Ready? Here we go…
I’m going to give you a short list of very successful businesses and I want you to see if you can identify what they have in common.
- Verizon Wireless, Netflix, Suddenlink Cable
- Club Penguin, Hostgator, Traffic-Fuel
Most of these you are probably familiar with. Verizon is a cellular phone service. Netflix has a streaming and shippable DVD service. Suddenlink provides cable Internet access. Club Penguin is a site where you play interactive games. Hostgator provides website hosting. And Traffic-Fuel teaches how to get completely free traffic to any website.
Have you figured out what they all have in common?
Residual income.
That is, each of these businesses charge a monthly fee for customers to use the service or access the member materials. Customers are automatically rebilled month after month for as long as they remain an active subscriber.
Residual income is the backbone of many successful businesses. I consider it to be the “must have” for every information based business. The most common of these is an information based “membership site”.
The question is: do you have one yet?
And, if you do: do you have multiple membership sites all bringing in monthly income on autopilot?
Most people recognize the need for a membership site – but they think membership sites are too difficult to create. Even with the popularity of “fixed-term memberships” (FTM sites, also known as “autoresponder memberships”), some people are unable to get their own site setup.
That’s about to change.
Whether you want to start your first membership site or start ANOTHER membership site for even more income, here are five “instant fixes” for starting out…
- Outsource The Content.An easy way to get started creating your membership site is simply to hire a qualified writer to create the content for you. That is, you outsource it. You pay a ghostwriter to create all the content you need on your behalf. You retain ownership and copyright. Instant membership site on any topic you choose!
- Use Private Label Materials.There are many very good private label rights (PLR) sites where you can obtain licensing to existing content which you can then use for your membership site. Some of the better sites allow you to sell the content “as is” meaning you won’t need to do much (if any) rewriting. Buy it, load it to your membership site, and start collecting payments!
- Repurpose Your Products.If you already have an information product (for example: a 75-page ebook) then you can convert it into membership site content. A 75-page ebook could easily be divided up into 10-12 weekly lessons, or dozens of “articles”. Instead of charging $27 for the ebook, you can now set get 4-5X that much over several months for the exact same content!
- Partner With A Writer.Here’s a golden idea: find a quality writer and make them your partner in a new membership site. They write all the content and you handle everything else. You both split the profit 50/50 and you don’t have to write a single word. You both profit from each other’s contributions … and a membership site is born!
- Buy a Ready-To-Go Membership Site.Perhaps the easiest solution is to buy a “ready-to-go” membership site or membership site content. If you see a membership site that you really find to be of high quality, then contact the owner to see if they will sell you a license to their content. Or, look for resale rights, private label rights or other licensing to an existing membership site that you can simply buy and use to immediately setup your own!
(In fact, I’ll tell you exactly WHERE you can do this in just a moment!)
So, those are some very effective and profitable strategies for getting a membership site setup quickly. Whether it’s your first one or you’re looking to add another stream of income, these solutions give you lots of possibilities for enjoying the benefit of residual income.
And if you’d like a “shortcut”, let me tell you about something that has become available.
As I mentioned, perhaps the easiest way to setup a membership site is to buy a “ready-to-go” resource. That is, a membership site package that includes the content, sales letter, marketing materials…everything you need to get started immediately.
Jimmy D. Brown, the guy who started the PLR industry, has released a “ready-to-go” PLR package to an entire membership site! This has never been offered before and it includes EVERYTHING you need to get started, including private label rights to the membership content, its sales letter, presell report, articles and other marketing materials.
All the details are listed at the link below.
Whether you take advantage of this offer or utilize one of the other “instant fixes” I mentioned, now is a great time to start reaping the benefits of residual income.
Get started today!