What’s Inside Reputation Management by Ross Goldberg?

Rep Mogul

Have you heard about a new program called Reputation Management (also called RepMogul) created by Ross Goldberg?

If not, his story might really scare you (it sure scared me!), but there is an amazing opportunity deep inside it.

I promise you’ve never seen anything even remotely like this…and if you ever wanted a business where clients literally BEG you to take their money, this is it.

Here’s what you get with Reputation Management:

  • 8 Modules: Each comes with a printed lesson, audio lesson, and video tutorials. Each module takes about 30-45 min to go through.
    • Module 1: The Big Idea
    • Module 2: Understanding RMM
    • Module 3: The Process
    • Module 4: Getting Clients
    • Module 5: Leveraging Authority
    • Module 6: Distribution
    • Module 7: Going Local
    • Module 8: Automation
  • Bonus: You’ll get Ross’s Schedules, Templates, & Client Contracts
  • Bonus: Link Bounder Software – It takes the online reputation management process and makes it easy to manage.
  • Weekly Coaching Calls.

If you want to help people, and make money at the same time, you have to check this out:

Watch the Reputation Management Video Now!

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