Facebook Machine is Live

I want to talk about evolution…and it’s not what you might be thinking.

This isn’t some theory, this is stone cold fact.

The world of marketing and advertising, online and offline is undergoing some HUGE (and I mean huge) changes. It’s evolving…and FAST too.

Think about it. We were so excited when we first heard the words “you’ve got mail!” when we got online for the first time.

Now? I bet you hardly notice when you get a new email in your inbox, which is probably overflowing like mine is.

But change can be good…really good.

Sure, some of you are in denial, I know. But the rest of you see that gorilla, right?

That’s evolution, and his name is Facebook.

And if you’re not sharking his hand and trying to figure out how to communicate with him, he’s liable to come over and slam you against the wall and you’re going to be left out.

I wouldn’t ignore him. Your competitors aren’t.

What I’m saying is this. If you’re on Facebook, but aren’t including it in your marketing strategy, you’re just gasoline for someone else’s machine…just like the dinosaurs.

But FB Machine can show you how to use Facebook to grow your business.

Take a look below. Keith Wellman knows what he’s doing.

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