uQast – Why uQast Beats YouTube, Itunes, Etc…

The big boys of the Internet say that they like affiliates, but if you’re a serious Affiliate Marketer, you know that’s just not true.

Want proof? If you send someone to Amazon from your list or site, you get 4% of any sale…but that’s only during that session or that visit. If the person you referred to Amazon leaves but comes back the next day and buys 12 books, you get nothing.

I just learned about a new site called uQast that’s totally and radically changing Affiliate Marketing…especially if you get in on the ground floor, and you’ll get a chance to do that in a minute.

Created by Brad Fallon, one of the true rock stars of Internet Marketing, uQast is a flexible, powerful, and easy to use digital media/ecommerce platform. uQast connects people who want the best stuff online with the people who create it.

What’s in it for you, the serious or newbie Affiliate Marketer?

An aggressive program for affiliates who promote uQast.

  • When someone you send to uQast buys anything from a uQast store (not your own), you get 25% – 75% of the sale.
  • When the person you sent to uQast sends someone else to uQast and they buy something, you get a 2nd tier affiliate commission of 5% for an entire year.
  • Set up your own store on uQast, and when you drive traffic to the store, you keep 100% of the revenue minus a standard credit card fee of about 3.5%.

Now that is a rocking affiliate program from one of the rock stars of Internet Marketing. Someone who really understands and appreciates affiliates…unlike the big boys who have always treated affiliates like rented mules.

Want in?

When you get to the uQast Founding Affiliates invitation site, you’ll have a limited time to enter your information, so don’t leave your computer. Once you’re registered, you’ll learn more about becoming a Founding Affiliate.

Brad and his team have organized a phenomenal list of added values worth hundreds for Founding Affiliates.

See below for the full list, but here are two that stand out:

  • First shot at valuable uQast.com domain names. For example, uQast.com/tennis or uQast.com/JoeSmith
  • Unlimited hosting and streaming of videos. Amazon S3 hosting for life with no overage fees.

One more thing…

Brad’s organizing the launch party to end all launch parties in Las Vegas this spring, and when you become a Founding Affiliate, you and a guest are invited. Tickets to the general public sell for $2,500 each, but there’s no charge for uQast Founding Affiliates. It’s going to be a rock star party.

Now for the rest of what you get when you become a uQast Founding Affiliate (and they’re only accepting a limited number of Founding Affiliates):

  • The first shot at uQast.com domain names before the public dives in.
  • Your very own uQast store with a free upgrade to uQast Pro.
  • Lifetime subscription to Brad’s newsletter with the latest Internet Marketing information, Digital Marketing Insider.
  • Get Amazon S3 for no charge! You get hosting and streaming of ALL your videos and any other digital media (audios, ebooks, powerpoints, etc.) uQast streams all videos and any digital media from Amazon’s cloud-based “S3″ hosting service. Virtually unlimited scalability! No limits! No hosting charges. No bandwidth charges. No ongoing charges of any kind, period.
  • Free fulfillment of digital products.

When you get your free store, you get a phenomenal portfolio of additional features and benefits:

  • Use your free video and media hosting to stream your videos and all your digital media behind a login or inside a membership site! No limits!
  • Build your list and collect opt-ins from INSIDE your videos on the new video player, embedded on ANY website – AUTOMATICALLY!
  • All your videos play on iPhones and iPads – AUTOMATICALLY!
  • Create true 1-Click Upsells and Downsells – AUTOMATICALLY!
  • Drag and drop to create video sales pages – instantly!
  • Create your own plain text affiliate links with any words you want! Your customers won’t be afraid to click the links you create with any words you choose.
  • No need to re-upload your existing videos! It’s easy to import your existing online with our “Import Target File” feature to copy your existing videos to uQast.
  • Session cookie override protects you if someone is already a uQast member from another affiliate. You still get paid, and the affiliate credit reverts back to the original referring affiliate after the session you referred.
  • Verify your web site and get AUTOMATIC affiliate credit for all referrals from that domain with no need for any affiliate links at all!
  • AMAZING NEW VIDEO PLAYER! Built-in Tip Jar *right on the video player* allows you to get “tips” from $.05 to $20 *right through the video player* from any web site in the world!
  • Add to Cart button *right on the video player* gives you a virtual 2-click checkout from any web site in the world!
  • After your video finishes playing, you can display whatever you want – not your competitors’ videos like with other video sites!
  • Monetize your content – or anyone else’s uQast content – AUTOMATICALLY! You get paid for a YEAR on any purchases by everybody you refer who even registers a free account!
  • Set your own affiliate commissions from 25% – 75% on all your own products.
  • You get 5% for all 2nd tier commissions from all your referrals – on anything THEIR referrals buy – for an entire year!
  • Plus, get more Facebook fans, more Twitter followers, and more LinkedIn connections – and more Email Opt-ins – from every page of your store!

Grab Your Invite Code & See the Future of Digital Media Now!

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