Stompernet is Open Again and is a LOT More Affordable


I don’t know about you, but when I hear “Stompernet”, the first things that come into my mind are an incredible program, and one that is WAY too expensive.

That’s what I always thought of it, so of course I never considered joining. I knew that they had a lot of great people on board, and that I would learn a TON of information…I just couldn’t imagine paying that much money every single month.

If that’s what you think now when thinking of Stompernet, I have some really great news for you. They have reopened, and are a lot less expensive now…and on top of that, you even get more TODAY then you used to get!

You wouldn’t believe how much less StomperNet costs now. They used to be $797 just for monthly access into Stompernet, and now it’s only $197 a month, and on top of that you get a bunch of incredible tools included.  I was absolutely shocked when I heard it, because I knew that StomperNet was worth the $797 before.

Let’s start with what you get by joining Stompernet.

  • You get access to over 1,400 training items (with more added weekly) including videos, audios, reports, webinars, mini-courses, and more.
  • Things that will take you step-by-step to what you need to do.
  • The ability to ask one-on-one questions and have back and forth discussions with faculty members.
  • Free access to StomperLive events.
  • Unlimited access to the new StomperNet Portal, with forums.
  • Your own Mastermind
  • A lot of amazing tools
  • ..and more

Just a second ago I mentioned that there are now amazing tools included with StomperNet. They’re collectively called StomperTools, and here is a little about each:

  • Market Samurai – Ultimate Niche Research and Money Keyword Finding Software that Writes Converting Ads and Analyzes your Competition. (Sells for $147.00)
  • SEOQast – Distributes Videos, Podcasts, Press Releases, Articles, RSS Feeds, Social Bookmarks, Classified Ads, and Submits to Web Directories. (Sells for $47.00 a month)
  • StomperCommerce – Full Customization, Easy to Setup and SEO Friendly. (Sells for $850.00 setup, plus $50.00 a month)
  • StomperStorm – Easiest to use Split Testing Software on the Market. (Exclusive – worth $500.00 setup fee, plus $50.00 a month)
  • StomperSocial – Total Social Marketing Management Platform. (Exclusive – worth $39.95 a month.
  • StomperQast – A Fully Functional Virtual Phone System for Your Business with Your Own Toll Free Phone Number, and More. (Exclusive – worth $38.85 a month)
  • CommuniQast – Two Way Communication with your Customers via Text Message, and More. (Exclusive – worth $14.95 a month)
  • ReviewQast – Takes Customer Reviews and put them where New Customers will look for them. (Exclusive – worth $9.95 a month)

Pretty impressive right? StomperNet wants to help make all their members millionaires.  So they have great faculty, and a lot of training to help you get there as fast as possible.  Here are just SOME of the incredible bonuses as well:

  • From Mike Filsaime – Free Access to Affiliate Jump for 30 days, The 7 Figure Code Home Study, and his personal coaching archives. (Value $8,797)
  • From Mike Koenigs – “How to Make a Perfect Video Testimonial”. (Value $297)
  • From Shawn Casey – Private Training Class – How to Make a Fortune in the Information Products Business. (Value $497)
  • From Ed Dale – 1 months free trial to 30 Day Challenge Plus, and a Free Webinar on Buying and Selling Websites. (Value $197)
  • From Colette Marshall – The Entire “The Whole Sale” Worldwide Brands’ entire course. (Value $499)
  • From Matt Bacak – Two Free Tickets to Mark Joyner and Matt Bacak’s “Survival Tactics for Tough Times” seminar. (Value $2,000)
  • …and 10 more!

As you can see, Brad Fallon and the rest of StomperNet are doing absolutely everything they can to over deliver, and make joining a no brainer. They are including everything you’ll need to succeed, and are trying to make it as affordable as possible.

If you’re ready to start making money online, or are ready to move to the next level, take another look at StomperNet.

Join StomperNet Now!

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