CPA Networks – Azoogle

In a past post, I talked about CPA Networks, and how they were a fast way to start making money online. Since there are so many companies out there that it is sometimes hard to tell which companies are worth working with – and which are worth staying away from, I thought I’d share some of the ones that I currently work with, and like.

One of them is Azoogle. Right now they have over 600 different offers. With so many to choose from, you should be able to find the ad that best fits your website. The good thing about their interface, is that it’s easy to search…which is a good thing, because I couldn’t imagine having to search through over 600 offers to find what best fit my sites.

Through their search, you can look for offers by keyword, traffic type, offer type, payout, and more. This way it will only take a moment or two to find the offer that you want to promote.

What’s unique about Azoogle is all of the contests that they have going on. Right now they have 3 different contests. The first is that if you can get them so many orders for one particular offer, you can get a kindle, laptop, or more. The second contest is the top 25 publishers will win a trip to the Playboy Mansion, and the third contest is the person who designs the T-Shirt for the Playboy Mansion Party will also win the trip.

As you can see, they try to get people motivated to do well with Azoogle.  If you’re looking to promote an offer, but have no clue where to start, Azoogle can be a great choice, as you’ll have more offers to choose from than you know what to do with!

Sign up for Azoogle

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