Do you want to start earning money on the Internet, but aren’t quite sure where to start? You don’t think you know enough to write an entire book, but still know some great information someone would gladly pay for – or you know where to find great information?
If this is the case, take a look at Jimmy D. Brown’s Small Reports Fortune. It’s a great comprehensive course that will teach you how to make a living online writing small reports. When I say small reports, I mean it. He says you can make a living online selling reports that are just 7-15 pages long.
Those can easily be written in a few days…so before you know it, you could have your very own product to sell.
Who is this product for? It’s for someone who is ready to start making money online now. You don’t want to wait months before you have something to sell, but want to have something by the end of the week. If you know enough about a topic to write 7-15 pages on it, this product is for you. Jimmy D. Brown will show you exactly how to use that information to write a small report on it, and sell it.
How much does it cost? $97.00. The good news is that because he gives you a free report beforehand (if you haven’t read it, read my post from last week here, you know exactly what types of information you’ll be getting.
What will this product teach me? It will teach you about making money online, from home, by writing small reports. It is a step-by-step guide that is 101-pages long, and goes throughout the entire process of creating small reports. It starts with helping you choose a highly profitable market, finding the perfect idea for a small report, how to write the content, how to package and price your small report, how to create a mini-salesletter for your small report, how to set up a web site to sell your small report, and finally how to turn your small reports into a 6-figure business.
Bonuses? Yes. You will receive: “The 7-Day Checklist For Creating a Small Report”, “27 Red Hot Ideas For Your Next Small Report”, “How to Improve Your Information W.R.I.T.I.N.G.”, and “The Beginner’s Guide to Promoting a Small Report”.
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