Website Magazine – Free Help for a Successful Business

Website Magazine

You’ve probably never heard of Website Magazine, but if you have an online business, this magazine can help. You can sign up for a FREE subscription, and you’ll get the next issue in the mail. They have great articles on all types of issues you will face, and hints for you to help make your business more successful.

Just to give you an example of what you can expect, I am looking at the May 2009 issue of Website Magazine right now. The cover story is about Blogging for Profit. Other articles in this issue are about choosing the right web content management system, article marketing exposed, getting scene in a world of online video clips, a six-step link building plan, and more.

They also had a list of the top 50 affiliate networks, which I really enjoyed since I belong to many of them and it’s nice to see some new ones that are rated well!  I did sign up for a few that I didn’t know about previously after reading this article.

If you’re interested in Internet Marketing at all, you can see how this magazine speaks directly to you, and how much fun it would be to read it. I also love that it’s free, especially since this is a magazine that is good enough to pay for!

Sign up for a free Website Magazine subscription

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