20 Minute Payday – It Really is that Easy
There has been a huge buzz online lately about a couple who only work about 20 minutes online a day…and they make some terrific money online. If you haven’t seen their free video yet, you should check it out. The really cool thing is that…
20 Minute Pay Day
Have you had a chance to see this yet? This newly wed couple thought that they were wise to invest in Real Estate. They thought they were going to be rich…until they had 4 rental units, and no rent checks. They didn’t even have any…
Russell Brunson – 20 Minute Payday
All I can say is WOW… I just heard that “20 Minute Payday” has been averaging over 10 sales per minute for almost 24 hours straight, with no signs of slowing down! Russell wasn’t quite anticipating this. They are getting some terrific feedback from everyone….