If you’re after traffic, you’re probably after backlinks.
And here’s something that will give you HUNDREDS of PENGUIN-FRIENDLY backlinks at the push of a button.
But these backlinks aren’t just any backlinks…
They’re entirely built on high-traffic sites, which are DESIGNED to share content.
That means you get organic, direct AND viral traffic.
Which means you’ll get better results for pushing this button than if you had an army of outsourcers making blog comments.
(Not to mention it’s a LOT cheaper than spending $500 on link-builders…)
Andy Fletcher launched Digi Traffic Generator TODAY, and it’s going to change how you drive traffic.
Here’s the low-down:
- HUNDREDS of social links and DOZENS of content links… exactly what Google’s looking for, and all at the push of a button
- Give you backlink VARIETY (hugely important!) by building different types of links.
- 1-click captcha-breaking and proxy support for super-slick mass posting.
- UNLIMITED link-building potential… no more outsourcers hitting their 100-link limit and refusing to build more until you cough up more cash… build as many links as you like, as often as you’d like.
And not only that…but it’s one of the simplest tools I’ve seen. You just put in the URL you want to promote, a bit of link text and hit ‘go’.
BAM. Hundreds more links, all pointing direct to your site.
Is there a catch? A bit. The software was launched only a few minutes ago, but it’s running on a dimesale…
And since I KNOW this is going to be really popular, it’s going to climb FAST.
So if you want the best deal, you’d better get in quick!
Get Digi Traffic Generator Now!