Jonathan Budd has just opened up public ticket sales for his “Unstoppable” Entrepreneur 2012 event.
This event hasn’t been held in almost 18 months. It will only be held once this year. He’s not even sure when/if it will be held again.
Now… this event is pretty much the summation of Jonathan’s life’s deepest work.
And I do mean deepest.
To be quite frank…he don’t care if you buy a ticket and go or not.
He really doesn’t. Unstoppable’s purpose is not to make money. It’s far far far bigger than that.
This is his passion. He created and put on Unstoppable because he has to.
I know it may sound weird… but he literally has to. There is a mission behind it that extends far beyond the money you can make that’s possible once you master the “Unstoppable” curriculm. If you’ve been, you know the mission he’s talking about.
The reality is…he thinks we as a human species are ready for a MASSIVE change.
And “Unstoppable” is part of a much bigger picture, it’s part of creating that change in as many people as possible.
He thinks we are tired of living in our “small”, limited, boxed up ways of thinking and being.
He thinks we’re tired of the limited income structures placed around us… and we want to BREAK OUT.
But breaking out first happens WITHIN. Most people miss this. And thus they never create the success they’re looking to create.
It first happens by who we become…and from that place, we can create unparalleled levels of new freedom and prosperity in our world. That’s the truth.
The harsh reality however… is that not many of us are prepared for this transition in FULL yet. We’ve begun to undergo the transformations required within us in order to be successful entrepreneurs… but we haven’t gone the full way.
Unstoppable’s PURPOSE is to go the full way.
It’s PURPOSE… is to literally make you Unstoppable.
That’s why he doesn’t care if you buy your ticket or not.
It’s not for him. It’s for you. The people who have been… realize that.
Furthermore… he doesn’t want just anybody to be there.
If you don’t resonate with this message…then don’t go. If you’re only interested in making money, please stay home.
If you don’t want to change… don’t go. If you aren’t open to new ideas, and aren’t interested in actually EXPLORING how to change your current thinking patterns and habits in life… then don’t go.
He only wants the people who are meant to be there to be there.
Watch this video. Hopefully it will give you an accurate feel of what you missed at the last one.
If you’re ready to completely change your life, then go.
If you’re ready to surround yourself with a community, that will LOVE you, SUPPORT you, and PUSH you when you need to be pushed… then go.
If you’re ready to face all that’s been stopping you, and gain the DISTINCTIONS you need to create success in your life no MATTER the cost… then you must go.
If you’re sick of spinning wheels, and you don’t know why you feel so frustrated… but you want a breakthrough, then you must go.
If you want to surround yourself with the ultra potent energy of success… there’s no place like Unstoppable. ALL the top leaders will be there, you must go.
If you’re ready to be UNSTOPPABLE… then go.
And hurry. he’s raising the price of the ticket from $497 to $697 in just a few days. This is your chance to get the early bird discount. And from there, he’s raising it to $997 November 1st.
There is no other event like Unstoppable.
YOU… are ready for amazing new levels of success in your life, and if you’re not experiencing it yet, it’s because you haven’t been through the distinctions at this event.
Let him help you BUILD your own value first… so that you have even more to give to the world.
Let him help you SEE your own power just a bit more… so you can deploy it for use in your business.
And let him help you get connected… because success isn’t a one man/woman show. It takes a community to do this right. And that’s what they are.
Get Your Ticket to Unstoppable Now!