Free Video: 5 Websites for 1 Business?

5 Websites 1 Business - Website Creation Workshop

When you are getting your business online, obviously you need a website.

Once you get that done though, quickly you’ll discover that you want more than just one website to run and promote your business.

My colleague Christina Hills is a master at teaching people how to build their websites with WordPress.

Watch this short video where she explains how you can have 5 websites for 1 business!

  1. Opt in Site
  2. Sales Letter Site
  3. Main Site with a Blog
  4. Affiliate Site
  5. Membership Site

Watch this video now and let her show you.

Instead of paying out a small 5-figure sum to a webmaster for all this (and then and waiting days, weeks or months even), you can do this yourself in matter of a few hours when you know how.

In the website Creation Workshop, Christina makes it easy.

Personally, even if you have no intention of creating the sites yourself, I think you should still watch the very short video. It may open your eyes about what types of websites you’ll want for your business!

Watch the Video Now!

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