Covert VideoPress – WordPress Theme Makes Your Blog Look, Feel, and Work Like YouTube!

The guys over at IM Wealth Builders have built some great tools before, and I just heard about their latest release – and I think you’re going to like it.

It’s a hot new WordPress theme that makes your blog look, feel and work just like YouTube!

I don’t have to tell you that online video is super hot right now – and that Youtube is of course by the biggest video site out there (in fact it’s the 3rd most visited website in the world!)

Millions of users have already been “trained” to use Youtube in a certain way – Many of them have become outright addicted to it.

So by using this new “Covert VideoPress” theme you are tapping into all that buzz – and it will really give your blog a boost.

People are much more likely to spend more time on our site, notice you ads and click on your links.

And perhaps more importantly – your social sharing stats and traffic will go through the roof as people like and comment on your videos.

There are a few other tube themes out there. But the best one (second best now), doesn’t even come close to doing what Covert VideoPress does.

And yet they will still charge you big bucks for a single site license.

With Covert VideoPress you get an unlimited multi-site and developer’s license included at no extra cost.

And the Covert VideoPress theme is available as a WSO right now and it’s still dirt cheap.

However it is a dime sale, so the price does go up with every order!

I recommend that you check it out now – it’s really good – and you’d want to get in before the price goes up!

Get the Covert VideoPress Theme Now!

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