Watch this Video by Peng Joon


Have you seen this video yet? I’ll give you a hint: The good part starts somewhere around the 2 minute mark.

Pretty cool stuff huh?

A huge part of IM’s appeal is the fact that you have total freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want. But behind it all, there’s a lot of hard work involved, right?

I know that I get to choose my own hours, but sometimes I work twice as much as someone with a “regular” job.

So apparently this crazy guy has cracked the system yet again, generating $12,614 on vacation halfway around the world on a fresh site under 29 days.

The best part? Peng Joon barely spent an hour a day on the site.

You’re getting real world tips and techniques, not just theory.

If you have issues with traffic, don’t worry…as he knows all about traffic, as well as the Panda/Penguin updates.

There’s also all kinds of ninja-level non-SEO stuff too if that’s what you’re going for.

Watch it for yourself below.

Peng does a lot more than just sell “marketing” stuff online. He’s also a public speaker and a Clickbank Premier Vendor, a title Clickbank gives to their top 100 earners.

Almost all of his strategies are free as well so that’s doubly cool.

Peng is offering a HUGE bonus with Work From no Home. I can’t tell you what it is, but I think you’re going to like it.

Watch the Free Work From no Home Video Now!

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