I’m really surprised at how powerful Nick Unsworth’s Review Engine ROI platform is. It’s shocking to see such a simple easy to use strategy generate such a return on investment for folks.
Ready for the fun stuff?
He has dozens of case studies from people stretching from Internet and Affiliate Marketers to main street businesses – all the way to large corporations using his simple strategy.
One guy sells auto insurance and has managed to make his fans promote him to their friends on their Facebook walls, despite the fact that most people would rather eat chalk than read about insurance on their news feed. The result for him was that he generated more business in the first 2 weeks than he did in the last 4 months using “traditional” marketing and social media strategies.
The thing that gets me is that the solution is just so…simple. You follow what the people are doing in the video, and your success with Facebook just seems to happen…without even taking that much time.
Anyway, I think you’ll get a real kick out of it.
Watch the Review Engine ROI Video!