Earlier this year I became a member of NAMS. Why? Well, there are a lot of great reasons to join – as I’ll talk about in a future post – but the main reason I joined was that I wanted to go to NAMS for the member price, which is $197 instead of $297.
You see, the regular price to go to NAMS in Atlanta is $497, but with coupon code Take200Today, you can go for $297. NAMS members get an extra $100 off, making it an even better deal.
Why was I so interested in going to the NAMS conference in Atlanta? Let me start by saying that this is the 8th one. I had heard so many incredible things about the first 7, that I just didn’t want to miss out anymore.
You see, this is different from many other Internet Marketing events you may have heard about. This one is a lot more interactive. What do I mean by that?
Well, in many of the sessions, you’ll get to actually do many of the things you learn, instead of just take notes while you learn them. In other words, during many of the sessions, you’ll be able to put into practice what you learn right then and there.
Another reason it is a lot more interactive is that the instructors are all available as well. Do you have a question or problem? No problem, they’ll be happy to help you. They make sure that the instructors are all accessible, and you’ll have many chances to talk to them.
Because of these reasons, I’ve wanted to go. These events are held twice a year, and unfortunately I found out too late earlier this year, and was unable to go. So I wanted to make sure that I was able to go to this one, and so NAMS8 will be my first NAMS conference, and I am very excited!
You see, I recently attended a week long NAMS webinar series about celebrating your independence, and can’t tell you how amazing it was. Most of the speakers were NAMS instructors, and they were all really incredible. I took a lot of notes, and have already put into action a few of the things I have learned.
So to be able to learn a lot more like this – and in person – really sounds like something I’d be interested in.
Plus, you’ll get to spend 3 days hanging out with people who are just like you. I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time talking with friends and family about what I do. It seems that unless you do it as well, it’s hard to understand. So it will be great to spend 3 days with people who do the same types of things that I do.
Last week I finally bought my ticket, got my plane ticket as well, and booked my hotel room. I’m all set for the conference now, which is just under a month away (NAMS8 takes place in Atlanta August 3rd – 5th.)
If you’re interested in joining me, get your ticket and book your room before the rooms are no longer available.
And again, if you want an extra $100 off, make sure you become a NAMS member first.
I hope to see you in 25 days. If you do join me, make sure you come up and say hi!