Covert PinPress Theme – The Most Powerful WordPress Theme You Can Use Right Now!

Covert PinPress

Over the past months the “IM Wealth Builders” have released 3 super powerful WordPress

Each of them have cause a big stir in the Internet Marketing world with over 10,000 people grabbing a copy, and the Warrior Forum has been overflowing with raving reviews.

And now the IM Wealth Builders success team are taking it one step further, releasing their first WordPress theme.

Covert PinPress recently went live, and this is perhaps the most powerful WordPress theme I have ever seen.

It makes your blog look, feel and work exactly like Pinterest…and we all know that Pinterest is super hot right now.

And not only does the theme look great, it works flawlessly too.

And my favorite part – the theme comes with some very clever inbuilt traffic generation that will let you siphon free traffic from Pinterest and Facebook on complete autopilot.

You’ve got to see this!

Right now this new Covert PinPress theme is available as a WSO, and it’s still dirt cheap.

However it is a dime sale, so the price does go up with every order!

I recommend that you check it out now – it’s really good – and you’d want to get in before the price goes up!

Get the Covert PinPress Theme Now!

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