Chris Douthit System is Live!

The ground breaking product launch that is going to give you more value than you have ever seen in one product is finally here.

Chris Douthit has put together a complete business system for pennies.

It’s not a joke!

Set up your online business the right way from A to Z, and for pennies on the dollar compared to what everyone else pays.

What to expect from this membership?

  1. Professional Training Videos – It doesn’t matter if you’re a super beginner, Chris starts you out at the bottom and you work your way up to the top of perfection. Expect hand holding every step of the way.
  2. How to Create Your Website – So many people fear having to create a website. Well, no worries here, you will learn the easy way to create a website and how to get it up and running in less than 24 hours.
  3. One-on-One Help – Unlike other similar packages, expect Chris to be on the forum daily helping anyone who needs it.
  4. SEO done right – Who wants free SEO traffic? Well, Chris has almost every one of his sites ranked on page one of Google, and in the top spot in most cases. Learn how he beats the big boys at their own game.
  5. Article Marketing – Want targeted free traffic? Learn why articles are so cheap and effective, and that you don’t even have to write them yourself.
  6. Media Buying – A picture is worth a thousand words. See those banners on your favorite sites? Learn ho to get one of your banners up on that site as well.
  7. Email Marketing – You need to keep in touch with your customers. Other companies pay hundreds of dollars a month, but Chris shows you how to get the same thing for up to 80% less. Then, the system helps you get your customers to buy from you again and again.
  8. Pay Per Click Marketing – Chris has already helped thousands achieve PPC success. Be the first to learn some niche tricks that most other pros don’t even know about.
  9. Free Software – Chris’ company makes all the software he needs to be an Internet success. It’s a lot easier when you don’t have to buy them yourself. Your membership includes all of these applications, with no further charges.
  10. Free Hosting – Stop paying $10 for each hosted website. From now on your membership includes unlimited free hosting.
  11. Plus so much more…

This is turning out to be a long post, but there are a lot of tools and applications that are included with this system.

Here’s one more thing you might find incredible…you can test drive this system for just $2.95 right now! So make sure you check it out!

Get the Chris Douthit System Now!

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